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Clue Junior

1 gameboard, 6 character pawns, 6 furniture tokens, 7 white bases, 7 yellow bases, 1 die, 1 notepad, 1 label sheet, 1 game guide, 1 game box

Fee: $ 0.00 per borrow

Condition: A - As new
Brand: Hasbro
Code: 1161
Serial: B07RTZBP93

In this game, players are on a mission to discover who took a piece of cake, when they took it, and what they drank with it. Players roll the die to see if they can move characters, look under those characters, or look under furniture for clues. As they find clues, they’ll eliminate choices and eventually discover what happened. The game features characters such as Miss Scarlett, Mrs. Peacock, Col. Mustard, Mr. Green, and Prof. Plum, and also Dr. Orchid. Ages 5 and up.

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